Food challenges are one of my favorite things to do with my clients. So let’s get down to the nitty, gritty and talk about why you would want to do one and what it entails.
Why would you do a food challenge?
You would do a food challenge if you find that you are having anxiety around a specific food. This happens a lot for people who are struggling with disordered eating, anxiety, body image issues or are in recovery from an eating disorder. It helps remove the anxiety around the food. Because remember, there should not be anxiety, stress, guilt or shame around food.
How do you do a food challenge?
Click this 7 minute video where I walk you step by step on how to do a food challenge in the comfort of your own home. It’s a major step in the recovery process and can feel scary or overwhelming to think about it. This is why I love doing them in session with clients because therapy is a perfect place to process and work through the anxiety that accompanies the fear food.
Anxiety Around Food? Here’s How to Do a Food Challenge.
About Danielle Swimm, LCPC: Danielle is a therapist in Annapolis, MD. She enjoys helping others improve their relationship with food and their body. Her areas of concentration include eating disorders, anxiety, and body image improvement for adults and adolescents. She also works with a variety of disordered eating and has a passion for mind-body health. Interested in setting up an appointment? Fill out the “Send a Message” to your right!
Disclaimer: The information in this video and blog is in no way a replacement for a therapeutic relationship or mental health services. This is for educational purposes only and should be in used only in conjunction in working with a licensed mental health professional. If you are looking for a local professional feel free to use the contact tab to request an appointment or search Psychology Today for local therapists in your area.