You don’t have to spend the rest of your life wishing your body would change.
Do you struggle with negative thoughts about your body?
Spend time worried about weight, shape and size?
Feel critical of the way your body looks?
Struggling with body image is an all too common occurrence in people of all ages, and genders. However, it is possible to free yourself from the constant line of criticism you hear about your body. Therapy, with a holistic focus on Health At Every Size (HAES) has been shown to help individuals overcome poor body image and spend time and energy focusing on other things they love to do.
How Do I Know If I Struggle with Body Image?
Here’s some key signs to look for, that could indicate therapy could be helpful.
- You spend a lot of your time worried about your weight and shape of your body.
- You weigh yourself constantly and the number on the scale impacts your mood.
- You have a history of dieting and your body image thoughts impact your food choices.
- You don’t attend social events on the days you “feel fat”.
- You work out harder on poor body image days.
- You place a lot of your worth on the way your body looks.
- You look for validation that you look okay from other people.
Therapy for Body Image
Research has found, that often negative thoughts about your body are not actually about your body at all, but as a way to distract from other things the mind is trying to avoid. Therapy is very individualized but some common themes that come up include:
- Identify thoughts you have about your body and how these thoughts are impacting your daily life, relationships, and mood.
- Avoiding body checking which perpetuates negative body thoughts.
- Identifying what emotions or situations the body image thoughts are distracting you from.
- Discover what triggers negative body thoughts and poor body image days.
- Learn coping skills to use to help combat negative body talk.
- Doing Values work on what else you value outside your body’s shape.
Get the help you deserve today. You don’t have to spend your days wishing your body looked different.
Health At Every Size
Use HAES principals will help you understand ways you can actually improve your health, without it leading to disordered eating, poor body and impacting your mental health. For more information on Health At Every Size, watch the quick video below.
Start Help for Body Image Today
Contact me today to set up a free phone consultation and start your journey to feeling good about your body. Click here to start therapy for body image.
To read more about improving body image read the blog post below that covers it in more detail.
Often struggling with body image can co-occur with binge eating, anxiety or an eating disorder. In therapy you’re able to address your relationship to food and your body.